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【新闻】best365官网叶凝遥老师在SSCI法学一区期刊Computer Law & Security Review上发表文章

发布日期:2024-06-19 作者: 点击:

近期,best365体育最新版本讲师叶凝遥与中国人民大学法学院博士研究生赵泽宇合作的论文《中国移动支付消费者保护的变革:立法、监管与争议解决》网络首发于法学类SSCI一区期刊Computer Law & Security Review(《计算机法律与安全评论》)。


此前,叶凝遥博士已在香港城市大学主办的法学类SSCI期刊Asian Pacific Law Review发表论文《中国存款保险制度改革:从隐性迈向显性》;赵泽宇博士生此前在牛津大学出版社出版的法学类SSCI期刊Journal of Competition Law & Economics发表论文《算法价格歧视与算法解释权》。



Abstract: In China, mobile payment services, based on a rapid development of financial technology, have been playing an essential role in Chinese residents’ daily life, creating a cashless society. Unlike many advanced countries having a clear legal definition of financial consumers and incorporating consumers of mobile payment services into financial consumers, China, as one of the largest markets for mobile payment services, has not had a clear legal definition of financial consumers with no clarity regarding whether consumers of mobile payment services belong to financial consumers. This article not only provides a legal analysis of consumers of mobile payment services in China, but also outrightly explores the prospective reform of financial consumer protection with reference to other countries’ successful experience and standards. By the analysis, this article attempts to find out solution for the Chinese financial consumer protection scheme and argues that the Chinese financial consumer protection scheme has to be well designed to maintain a balance between consumers and mobile payment giants.

Table of Contents


2.Common and expanded consumer damages arising from the use of mobile payment services and the lagging protection

3.The dilemma of addressing consumer complaints

3.1. The unclear definition of consumers of mobile payment services

3.2.Should mobile payment service providers be treated as “banks” or “financial institutions”?

3.3.Consumer disadvantages in mobile payment services

3.4.The unfit legal structure of financial consumer protection in China

4. How did China respond to the dilemma of financial consumer protection?

4.1.The 2023 financial institutional reform

4.2.The established but unsophisticated ADRs for Chinese financial consumers

5.Optimizing the Chinese customer protection scheme for mobile payment services

5.1.Enriching and reforming the legislations to diversify consumer protection measures

5.2.Improving the flexibility and accessibility of ADRs

5.3.The increasing liabilities for mobile payment giants: functions between financial and digital gatekeepers


编  辑:胡天翊

初  审:吴   荻

终  审:梁   敏